Ce dimanche, 27 fev, 11h30 - 13h, cours bénévole (Karma Yoga) avec donation facultatif, Centre de Yoga du Marais.
Tout donations seront remis à Families for Children, une agence sans but lucratif qui soigne plus de 600 enfants et adultes indigent et mentalement handicapé en Inde et au Bangladesh. L'organisation est entièrement soutenu par les bénévoles et chaque sous va directement aux orphelinats et leur écoles. (Des cartes de classe ne peuvent pas être utilisées pour les classes bénévoles.)
This Sunday, I will be teaching a donation-based all levels flow class at Centre de Yoga du Marais, supporting Families for Children, a private, non-profit, non-sectarian agency that cares for over 600 destitute and mentally challenged children and adults in India and Bangladesh. This is a "kitchen counter" organization that is run entirely by volunteers and every penny goes straight to the orphanages and schools this agency has set up. The faculty at Centre de Yoga du Marais has been supporting this organization for several years, through Karma Yoga projects.
Echoing the sentiments of the great Seane Corn (not verbatim): There is no pity. There is no sympathy. There is only true empathy, the ability to bare witness, and ACT. That is spiritual activism. That is Karma Yoga.
Suggested donation: €10 - €50. (Class cards cannot be used for this class.)
Reservations suggested - amanda(at)dogayoga.net
Centre de Yoga du Marais, 73 rue de Vertbois, 3eme, Metro(s): Reamur-Sebastopol, Temple, Arts et Metiers, Republique, Strasbourg St Denis