Friday, December 16, 2011

Give/Receive An Experience

Yoga retreats are, at the very least fun, and at the most, absolutely life changing.

The conditions are usually pretty perfect to take your practice to another level. You delve in, free of distractions and judgements, from the moment you wake up to the moment you lay your grateful head on the pillow. A yoga retreat is time to go deep, start over, grow tall, crawl, fly, cry, laugh, dance, breathe...

Instead of the accumulation of more stuff this holiday, how about giving or receiving the experience of Health, Wellness, and Gourmet Living in the Loire Valley? Dr. Jay Kumar and I are delighted to offer this package of a springtime week in the French countryside Living Your Light and Going Back to the Source.

The complete experience - beginning to end - will be the sweet succulence of Rasa; taking in the flavors and essence of the practice and the place, through every one of the senses. There will be yoga, meditation, dharma talks, Ayurveda consultations, French cooking classes, wine and architecture tours...

Imagine for a moment, you or the beloved yogi in your life opening an envelope on Christmas/Hannukah/Boxing Day/New Years/Festivus in which there is a full or partial gift certificate to have this experience. There will be gratitude and it will be profound.

Contact Dr. Kumar - jay(at) - or me - amanda(at) - if you're interested and we will send you a simple gift card that you can lovingly sign and deliver on the special day of choice.

"Come, come, whoever you are, wanderer, fire worshipper, lover of leaving. This is not a caravan of despair. It does not matter that you have broken your vows a thousand times, still come, and yet again, come... " ~ Rumi ~